Contra el silencio y el terror - Against silence and terror
by dhColombia Asocición Red de Defensores y Defensoras de DH
  • May 31, 2017
  • 12 mins story
1. Why have you become a human rights defender? (Was there any particular event in your life/country that made you engage with human rights work?)

Hello friends, I believe that in my case I did not convert. I am the result of the mixture between my peasant origin and the exclusion to which the rural settlers are subjected, the places and times in which I am formed as a person and academically (conflict zones and the public university), and the reality of violence Political of the municipalities where I lived and worked in Colombia, in addition the role of repressor of the authorities, I formed in not tolerating the silence in being a defender of the human rights. It is this training that allows me to support myself in this work despite the problems and situations of risk or disappointment.

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