Shine Bright
Travis Morningstar
- April 13, 2022
- 1 min story
1. Please tell us your name (unless you prefer to be anonymous), a little about who you are, and what motivated you to join an adult education class or program.
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My name is Travis Morningstar.I am 27 years old and i am currently an active skateboarder. when i am not skating im thinking of ways to start a business. one of my goals is to have a degree in business and management to help others the same way i was helped when i needed it. The reason i want to gain my GED is to do better and get greater opportunities as well as help others get chances as well.
Story Chapters
2. What has changed in your life since you started your adult education class? How has adult education helped to support your goals and plans for the future?Since starting my classes i am no longer stagnated in one place. I can move with a schedule and know the day will be ok. GED classes helps me get to where i want to be. Also i can be a better role model for my kids as well as those around me.
3. What do you think would be different about NYC or the world if everyone had the opportunity and support to continue their education?If everyone had the support no one would feel like anything is impossible to gain or achieve. Maybe everyone would get along better and not feel lower than someone else not in their position. Everyone would have a chance at better circumstances for themselves as well as others.