The moment I gained confidence.
Gina Cortez
- December 16, 2021
- 4 mins story
1. Please tell us your name (unless you prefer to be anonymous), a little about who you are, and what motivated you to join an adult education class or program.
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Here is a picture of my husband and I on the day of his graduation.
Story Chapters
2. What has changed in your life since you started your adult education class? How has adult education helped to support your goals and plans for the future?00:00A school day at Lehmen college Adult education program.Adult education has helped to support my goals and plans for the future in many ways.Opened ideas , creativity and encouragement in expressive thinking and learning as well as feeling comfortable in what I may struggle with.It is important to have a support system in place to be able to start the journey to our future.It’s s a process but not impossible.
3. What do you think would be different about NYC or the world if everyone had the opportunity and support to continue their education?00:00Education is to help people improve.How are we to improve and grow if we do not have enough resources or extended support.