- July 9, 2017
- 7 mins story

The transgenders are the least acceptable segment in our society in Pakistan, who always face hate, ridiculous and exclusion. They are not only deprived from their basic rights but also have minimal opportunities for survival, growth and development.
Despite a great renaissancein gender equality and empowerment, Pakistan still lags behind many othercountries in gender parity index. Global gender parity report 2015 reveals thatPakistan - on global index - is ranked at 144th number out of 145countries. In prevailing social definition, the “gender” is often referred tobeing a man and woman; while transgender persons are largely and explicitlyignored in this definition. Pakistan is home of estimated 300,000 transgenderpersons. These transgenders have historically been marginalized, and directedto hate as well as ridicule in the country. Extremely inadequate attention isgiven to their rights. In one hand, insufficient legislation exists forprovision of equal human rights to transgenders; while on other hand,enforcement of existing legislation seems very poor. The study conducted by GTOin Punjab (Pakistan) reveals that about 84% trans-persons received hatred,taunts, discrimination, exploitation or abuse from the society including theirfamily members. One of the reasons behind this state is typical attitude ofdecision makers, political leaders and Government Departments towardstransgenders. Inadequate legislation and poor enforcement of existing policiesis one of the most underlying reasons behind dismal status of trans-persons.Their inclusion is generally missed in policy making and service delivery.
Story Chapters
2. What kind of work does your organisation engage in to improve the rights of LGBTQ people in your country?00:00Under the grant of Norwegian Human Rights Fund, since 2014, the Good Thinkers Organization is actively engaged in sensitizing the government departments, law enforcement agencies, religious leaders and community at large to protect the rights of Transgender Community in Pakistan. The GTO has established a Transgender Protection Network in Pakistan, which is based on Transgenders,Lawyers, Media Representatives and NGO workers. This network is not only creating awareness among the Transgender Community about their legal and constitutional rights but also providing free legal aid and support to hundreds of transgenders in Pakistan. The said Transgender Protection Network is playing its important role in ensuring social acceptance of the transgenders, as they always face hate, violence and discrimination in all fields of life. Currently, the transgender protection network is doing its very hard efforts to ensure specific legislation in Pakistan for the protection of rights of transgender community. The Good Thinkers Organization is highly grateful to the Norwegian Human Rights Fund for their generous support to protect the rights of LGBTs in Pakistan.
3. Tell us about one or more examples of the ways that your organization has contributed to an improvement of the situation of LGBTQ community.00:00Our organization has identified Transgender Activists and giving them awareness and legal support for the protection of LGBTQ Community in Pakistan. The organization established a diversified Network, which is named as Transgender Protection Network.Members of this network are from Transgender Community, Lawyers, Media and NGOs. In case of any violence against the Transgenders, this network takes stand for their rights and protection. The lawyer members of this network are giving free legal aid and support to the transgenders at local level.
4. What has the grant from the NHRF meant to you?00:00The grant received from the NHRF is specifically utilized to protect and promote the rights of Transgender community in Pakistan. The Good Thinkers Organization and its stakeholders give the great value to the generous financial and technical contribution of NHRF for promoting and protecting the rights of Transgender community in Pakistan. Thank you so much Norwegian Human Rights Fund for your valuable supportfor the most marginalized and neglected community of our society.