story request:
Memories of the Pandemic: History Project
East Hampton Library
Requester: Dennis Fabiszak
Deadline: No Deadline
Tell your story

This exercise gives participants the chance to tell their story about how they were affected by the Pandemic. These stories will be cataloged and archived to be shared with future generations. Participants will have the opportunity to write, or create an audio recording, using photographs to document their experiences dealing with the pandemic.

To begin, click the record button, and speak into your microphone. If you want to skip a question, click skip question. You will be given the option to re-record if there is anything that you would like to change. At the top of the page there is a preview button, where you can listen to your recording before submitting it. When you have your recording exactly as you want it to be click save.

If you would like to make an appointment to record your Memories of the Pandemic in person you can do so on Weds and Saturday. Call (631) 324-0222 ext.3 to make an appointment. If you need assistance creating a recording please call (631) 324-0222 ext.3 or email for assistance.

Storytellers will need to agree that their stories could be edited, published and shared.

"By submitting your story, you give your permission for any words, video recordings, and/or photographs made during this project to be used by the East Hampton Library staff, researchers and the public for educational purposes including publications, exhibitions, research, the internet, and presentations. This permission is perpetual, nonexclusive, and transferable. By giving your permission, you do not give up any copyright or performance rights that you may hold."

Tell your story
Tips for telling a great story
  • Tell your story as if you were talking to a friend or a relative. Make it personal.
  • Add photos! It is best if the first photo you add is a nice image of yourself so that people can see you as they listen to or read your story.
Tips for audio recording
  • You can re-record as many times as you want. Take a couple of practice runs until it feels more natural talking into your computer.
  • Try not to use a pre-written script so that your story sounds as natural as possible. It is ok if it is not perfect.
  • Try to speak as clearly as possible, and get as close to the microphone as you can.
  • Try to find a quiet place with no background noise. It is even better if the room has carpet. This will reduce the amount of echo on the recording.
Interested in sharing your story for this project?

Our platform does not yet support yet support creating stories on mobile devices.
Provide your email address below and we will send you this story request link so that you can tell your story on your computer.